
  • Instagram
  • Content Creators
  • TikTok
  • Content Creator
  • Beauty/Makeup
  • Music

Vana, a 23-year-old content creator and musician based in New Zealand, has been a prominent figure in the digital landscape for over three years. With a combined following of over 1 million across Instagram, TikTok and Twitch, she has earned a spot in TikTok's Top 5 Artists for New Zealand.

Vana’s music is connotative with dark femininity, pairing her soft vocals with gritty bass and electric guitar. Her passion for the guitar and roots in early emo and rock music play a distinctive role in her songwriting and mark the beginnings of a trailblazer in the genres of Dark Trap and Synthpop.

As a proud member of the LGBTQ+ community, Vana fiercely represents the totality of the queer experience. Her independent debut single “You’re Not the Only One” not only dives into these themes but does so holistically creating a profoundly relatable listening experience like few before it.

Vana's journey is a testament to her creative versatility and authenticity, as she explores and shares her passions with a diverse audience. Whether it's showcasing alternative lifestyles or delving into the world of fashion and makeup, Vana's content is rooted in genuine expression.
